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Splish Splash Summer

So today is a day of firsts. This is my first blog post, on my first blog, in my new little corner lot of the internet. I am pretty excited to share stories of my family adventures, being a mommy, and my new found love (and major learning process) of photography.

Today was also the first day I was able to get the munchkins out for a swim this summer. It was the first time they got a chance to show off all the new skills they learned in those YMCA swim classes they’ve been taking (which, are worth their weight in GOLD). What a change a year, and 5 weeks of swim lessons can make. Kyleigh has gotten over her fear of water, and has decided to dive (see what i did there) right into being a full blown fish-child. And the water was not quite warm enough for my grown up blood (if I’m being completely honest, it never really is) but little PJ didn’t seem to mind, despite her lips turning a mildly concerning shade of indigo which I’ve only ever seen in pictures from New York fashion week.

The weather started out pretty cloudy with some overcast. It rained for a couple seconds. The girls were quite perturbed by this despite being already soaked from swimming. Preschool logic on this is as follows: Precipitation Tolerance Pool water > Rain.

As quickly as the rain started, it stopped, the clouds parted and we were left with a gorgeous sun-shiny day (can you tell how much Disney Jr is watched in my house here?).  A beautiful side effect of shooting in full afternoon sun is being able to turn the shutter speed up pretty high. This pretty much freezes motion and gave me some really cool shots of Kyleigh, PJ and their Aunt Dea just being kids on a summer day at the pool. I love how you can see the definition in the water drops. I also love; how by capturing the moments so quickly, you can capture kids just being kids in those short fleeting microseconds.

I would also like to take a minute to thank my incredibly talented mother who was able take my hodgepodge mental picture of my “dream Blog” and has started making it come to life. She has been hard at work designing me a custom blog theme. It is still a work in progress as she continues to make some minor adjustments to perfectly tailor this site to my liking, needs and personality. If you or anyone you know is in need of a webpage, web design or SEO I HIGHLY recommend taking advantage of everything NEO Website Design & Internet Marketing has to offer. You can also visit their Facebook page here. Tell her I sent you and she may cut you a deal, and for the referral I will continue to secure my spot as her favorite child. I’d tell you not to tell my siblings, but they already know. 😛


Splish Splash Summer Kid Blog First Photography

Splish Splash Summer Kid Blog First Photography

Splish Splash Summer Kid Blog First Photography


Well, it looks like me and my little fish-kids will definitely be spending a lot of time at the pool this summer. What are some of your favorite things to do during the hot (or rainy) summer days? Comment below! I’m always looking for new fun things to do with these crazy little ones. Who knows, your suggestion could be featured in the next post! Stay cool. -A

Comments & Responses

2 Responses so far.

  1. Colleen Glasscock says:

    This is Great!

  2. Ashleigh,

    If there was a Wow! Button I would click it right now. This blog is strong because of the following:

    1. Your voice is authentic and so your writing is clear, plucky and strong. You and Dan have a smart a** genetic link and this helps.
    2. Being a mom is an important vocation and a choice that women can make more freely nowadays. But at times the yearning to be on the adult playground surfaces. There are mommy blues which are often experienced in isolation while simultaneously cleaning ketchup off the dog and trying to arrest someone’s tantrum by finding their stuffed animal while negotiating with a downward spiraling 2 year old. There are bad days. Chronicle them just as honestly.

    3. Dan will discover years from now that his return on invested capital for the canon camera is 1000000%. You have a very sharp eye and your photos are spectacular, but also growing in sophistication. Keep looking for honest moments and the girls and others won’t disappoint.

    4. That said, I suspect your mommy adventures are not all solo. Talk about the other characters in the story. Remember writing honestly sometimes stubbing the toes of relatives. But you have a great and interesting family. They should figure in more as well– Sean and Shannon, mom and partner, Dan’s family. Build that out some photographically.

    5. Also rule of thumb. You can never shoot enough pictures of grandparents and parents with your kids. My parents are both gone. Every photo I have has quintupled in value.

    6. Share techniques. When you right down the lighting, setting or some details it will delight your wannabe following and also help you remember these things when shooting action in the moment.

    7. I share a passion for amateur photography. I shoot straight on Detroit’s recovery and capture this on my photoblog: http://www.shootinindetroit.com.

    8. Let’s plan a weekend on the boat in July or August. Give me some dates that might work. We will give you a ton of subjects to photograph.

    Love, love love what you’re doing. Kay spent 15 years at home with our sons and I thank god every day. Remember every age is a great age and passes in an instant. Keep chronicling. I like “housewives of stark county.

    Your adoring uncle Ron

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