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Don’t Cry Over Spilt… Water

So it has been far too long since my last post. I have been incredibly busy getting things ready for both my minions to start preschool. I was also asked to be the classroom coordinator for my younger daughter’s class this year. Either their school has a lot of faith in my grasp on life, or they dont read this blog, but probably both. Either way, I’ve been spending far too much time relearning (read: swearing at) Excel, and not enough time blogging.

But like I said; I’m getting the girls ready to start preschool, meaning it has gotten to that point where all three of us are getting pretty bored with each other. I like to keep the activity calendar pretty full because it wears them out, and it keeps my house cleaner (in theory). We typically do the pool or park thing most summer afternoons. But in true Ohio fashion; we’ve been hit with some unseasonably cool weather these last couple days, so I’ve been forced to try to recreate some of those activities better/more creative moms than I have so generously shared on Pintrest. Anything to keep busy for a little while and offer some mental and sensory stimulation, the girls seem to enjoy it too.

Today’s activity was some sort of salt painting project with food coloring, picked because I’m a poor planner and that’s pretty much the stuff I had on hand. Now, I no longer have table salt on hand, but I’m always looking for a good reason to order carry-out so this is really turning out to be an all around win-win situation. The set up of this activity was a breeze! They draw some picture with glue, cover the glue with salt, and then use paint brushes to paint the salt with food coloring water. Amesomness! Things were going swimmingly for a whole 20 minutes. No fighting, no arguing and no sass. If you know anything about being a parent of preschoolers, this can only mean one thing- impending disaster.

Spilt Water Pintrest Salt Spilt Water Pintrest Salt

Then the inevitable happens. Pj does what Pj does best. Spills. I’m not even sure what exactly she spilled or how. There’s something about this child where she doesn’t even have to be around liquid to create a spill. It’s like an X-Men style super power. This kid could literally be sitting 7 feet away from a container of something and manage to spill it without even moving. It’s almost fascinating if it wasn’t so irritating. What’s even more fascinating is she always manages to spill in the most catastrophic direction. Never towards a sink, or a towel, or something non-staining.

Spilt Water Pintrest Salt Spilt Water Pintrest Salt Spilt Water Pintrest Salt

This time she spilled all over her own picture that she had just spent hours (20 minutes) working on. Ruined. Tears. Full. On. Melt. Down. So I grab some paper towels. And then an actual towel. And then a shop vac. Where in the hell did all this water come from?! They were using shot glasses (don’t judge me, they were an approptite size) that I swear can only hold an ounce. What happened to that theory about mass not being able to be created or destroyed? Well this kid some how just turned an ounce of water into a gallon, and dumped it all over my table and her precious piece de resistance. Someone call MythBusters, because you’ve gotta see this sh*t to believe it. Bring a poncho.

I finally get the waterworks cleaned up and set her up with a new salt/glue concoction to paint. 5 minutes later her sister is done painting and very proud of what she has done and goes off on her merry way to play with some toys. I take this opportunity to use the restroom. Big mistake. HUGE. I haven’t even sat down when I hear PJ yell “I DIDN’T RUIN KY’S PICTURE, MOMMY!”.


Ky and I both know this means, that she ABSOLUTELY did ruin Ky’s picture. I half run, half take my time out of the bathroom because I know what’s waiting for me when I get out. A different kid having a melt down, another ruined master piece, and another shot glass of water materialized into a gallon against scientific theory.

The moral of this story is, teacher don’t get paid enough. Now I need a margarita but I don’t have any damn salt.-A

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  1. Colleen Glasscock says:


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